My husband left his Facebook open.
I have to admit that my curiosity gets the best of me when he does this. I can't help but to dig into his News Feed and do a bit of "people watching" via Social Media.
This chick friend he has posted a link to a website about "writing" and I was like "oh-my-gosh" that's so cool- I gotta check that out.
And I did. And I'm excited. Because I found THIS GUY!!!!
(in case you're not a link clicker- check out his site at
He's awesome. He's talented. He's SO-IN-MY-HEAD and I don't even know him.
This tells me something I thought I already knew.
Writer's (or so I'd like to think I will be one day)- have a certain drive that cannot be put into neutral.
We. Must. Write.
As he short-and-sweet put it on one of his post, it's not out of obligation that we write, it's out of need.
I feel like this discovery was a total God-Send. It's like God was pointing me in a purposeful direction to find this writer-dude so that I could realize that "It's Not Just Me".
This dude is not just a writer; he's a marketer. He's a dreamer. He's a creator. He's.... Well?
Read his "about me".
I'm frazzled. I'm elated. I'm..... what? I don't know. SOMETHING.
He's written book reviews. And has opinions that he's not afraid to share. And he uses his talents and his abilities to Do-What-He-Loves-To-Do.
I seem like a crazed pop culture stalker, but I'm not. (Really.)
I'm just a little bit freaking out. I have zero near the talent this dude seems to have. I don't know how he got started, but I do know that accidents and coincidence are merely words in a dictionary and do not apply to this life that I am living. God uses all sorts of creative methods to speak to us, and He just totally blew me away by speaking to me through Jeff Goins. (whoever he is).
I don't have to hone in on JUST ONE interest or passion. I have many passions:
Marketing. (love it!) Writing (need it!) Music (thank GOD for it)
I don't know where I'm going from here. I just know that God just put down another smooth-stepping-stone in my path for me to stand on.
Trust God and Do Good
5 years ago
Thanks! It's great to meet you.