In the Bible- it says in Deuteronomy 11:
18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 20 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, 21 so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land that the LORD swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth.
So- I took this verse to heart last week. I got white chalk and I wrote some 'Word' on our walls. Upstairs. Downstairs. Only a few places so far- soon enough though- I've no doubt our walls will be covered.
Today, however- I decided that I need constant reminders- not just on the walls of my house.... but reminders that are with me all day long.
This morning I found a book, full of Word, and though this statement isn't a specific verse out of the Bible- it spoke to me.
"Things Are Not What They Seem....."
So- I wrote, on my (left) forearm "Things Are Not What They Seem....", and I looked at that phrase each time I notated that there was 'something' weird about my arm. I read that phrase at least 100x today.
And in so many ways, it spoke to me. But in the biggest way- where my curly headed, blue eyed, "Life of God'', is concerned.
Zoe: She's laughing, fun-loving, and acts as if "nothing phases her''. It's easy to allow her to carry on through out her day, bouncing back up to her lively self after being disciplined, or after one of us (her parents) snap at her with impatience and frustration.
"AMBER! Things are not as they seem!" my forearm screamed at me. She seems as though she hasn't a care in the world. She seems as though she has already forgotten her big sisters' rejection. She seems..... she seems..... Oh! WOW! Thank you God. Thank You for that Word. Thank You for making me more aware.
Write the Word... on your door posts, your walls, your door frames.... your ARM. Whether it be THE WORD of THE LORD... or A WORD... FROM the Lord.
In addition- as I was writing on my arm, sitting in the center of my bed, with all 3 girls bouncing around and on the bed with me this morning- Kyla asked "Why are you doing that?!?" I told her, and then she wanted me to write on her hand, too. So? I did. She wanted "I <3 God" and on the other hand she requested "Victory")
She also asked why I had written on our walls. I told her, and she asked if she could do it, too. I pointed her to the chalk. I gave specific instructions: "Only on your walls- in your room- only with chalk."
She ran off the bed- to her room. She wrote "GOD, You are more than fantastic." and under it, she wrote "Victory". I feel amazed- first of all- that my 6 year old can spell "Fantastic" and "Victory". Secondly- I'm more amazed that it was her choice of words that are up on that wall. I hope that chalk last a long time!
I've decided that the Sharpie multi-colored/multi pack was a great investment. My husband allowed me to write on his arm this evening.... and one would have to know my husband well to know that this is not something he'd have normally agreed to. So.... on his arm I wrote (from James) "Pray With Out Doubting"
I'm ok with not looking all pristine and well manicured due to a Sharpie-Style Tattoo that fully covers my left forearm. If it means the Word is getting itself secured in my heart, so be it! I am not ashamed. I mean? It's not like I haven't heard the term "Weirdo" plenty enough in my lifetime....after all..... Jesus Loves Weirdos. Oh! Yes! HE DOES!
Trust God and Do Good
5 years ago
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