I have been anti 'school' for like.... EVER!
It's an institution. I picture our children as little 'drones' being told where to go, what to do next, how to do what ever it is they do, and being told to meet a 'standard', thus internally being chiseled away and losing their individuality, and creativity.
Eh? I still kinda have that view point. Sadly.
But!??! there are little treasure keepers inside each class room, and they are called "Teacher". If we're blessed enough to get an exceptional one- this teacher can be an incredible mentor and friend to both our child and ourselves. They can play an all important role of molding and shaping the educational and emotional growth inside our children.
And I have been so thankful to know that I am sending my jewels into a classroom with the ultimate treasure keepers.
Our kindergarten teacher is astounding. She has a heart and a passion for what she does. Zoe thinks Miss Ciccarello is the most amazing person on the planet! She loves her dearly, and knows that she is dearly loved by her teacher as well. I'm sure- like all of us human beings- she's totally imperfect. I'm sure she has students that scrape her nerves like sand paper to wood. I'm sure there are mornings she wakes up and says "Ug!! I have to go to work!?!" Mom's? We can totally relate, huh?
There was a time I was talking to this sweet teacher, and her eyes welled up with tears when she was talking about how proud of her class she is. She loves the children she teaches. She adores them! She loves what she does, and it shows in her work, and in her attitude, and in her spirit.
I'm so thankful for her.
Our 2nd grade teacher is equally incredible. She's a free spirit. You'll walk into her class room and see more disorder on her desk than you'd envision a 'teacher' keeping. What you won't see, however, is disorder in her classroom. She commands attention from her students- not with an authoritative voice, but with a loving- 'I know what's best for you' tone. Her students know they are loved by her. They respect her- and beautifully- she respects them!!! She calls her classroom a Kingdom. "Everyone is royalty". She makes it known that every one is important. She assigns each student a job. Each job is very important. Nobody is left out. Not one.
Kyla is emotionally charged, and super independent. She needs somebody that won't allow her to disrespect them, but at the same time, somebody that will love on her in the very moment that she is being disciplined. THIS is Mrs. Gough. Her persona says "I know what you can do, and I expect you to do it." And she means it, and she's tender when enforces it. She seems to look over each student, and miraculously understand where they are coming from, and what they are capable of, and she tells each student how wonderful they are- and how capable they are. Some of these students may have never heard the words "You're awesome! You can accomplish SO much!" She builds these kids up, and refuses to allow them to tear themselves down!
I love knowing that God put us back in the school system, knowing we'd get these particular teachers. I'm already praying for next years teachers. I may not be a fan of the public school system- but I'm a huge fan of the Treasure Keepers that are taking beautiful care of my jewels!
Trust God and Do Good
5 years ago
We were blessed with Mrs. Gough a few years ago. A wonderful, funny, caring teacher who loves her job. Can't ask for musc more than that. I'm so glad your girls are having a good year. :)